At Hermosa we are a place where you can Experience God and have fellowship with other disciples of Jesus Christ.


Hermosa Community Church is a non-denominational church affiliated with the Defenders of the Christian Faith Movement


Our Mission

The mission of Hermosa Community Church is to serve God by serving mankind, and be a relevant church empowered by the Holy Spirit to magnify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

It is our vision to make disciples, and empower individuals to live a lifestyle that pleases God, and is Scripturally based.


We Believe in the Holy Scriptures, the Old and New Testament as the divinely inspired source and only WORD of God, authoritative and supreme norm of the Faith, Truth and Christian practice. We humbly depend on the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

We Believe that GOD the Father and Lord of all, created the world, made man in His image, and so loved the world that He sent His Only Son, Jesus the Christ to redeem us from sin.

We Believe in the Deity of Christ, that He is co-eternal and co-equal with GOD the Father. We believe in His virgin birth, His life without sin, His words, His death, His resurrection, His ascension and His Promise of His return as stated in the Holy Scriptures.

We Believe that God, Holy Spirit as revealed to us through the Holy Scriptures is a Person, co-eternal and co-equal with GOD the Father and GOD the Son. That He works in the hearts of mankind calling them through the Gospel to repentance and faith, awakening in them spiritual contrition for their past sins and trust in the Mercy of God, with a new purpose and a new power to do His will.

We Believe in the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, His gifts, and Miraculous Power.

We Believe that man becomes son of God, through a true repentance, forsaking sin and acknowledging Jesus as Savior and Lord. True repentance results in a changed lifestyle, the believer than seeks to live his life according to the Will of God.

We Believe that all who through Faith are sons of God constitute the Church of Christ, the Spiritual Body from whence He has called to proclaim the Gospel to all of the human genre and manifest in character and conduct the Fruit of the Spirit. The Church is an organism that expresses itself through dedicated Christians and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To strengthen our Faith, He has commanded to His Church the Baptism and The Lord’s Supper.

We Believe in the baptism by immersion as proclaimed in the Scriptures.

We Believe and so, that according to the Law of Christ, those who accept the Christian Faith live to serve others, not only as it relates to preaching the Gospel, but also in the creation and support of charitable and mercy institutions, in the sustainment of human liberty, in the deliverance of the oppressed, in the fulfillment of civic justice and the rejection of all iniquity.